Social Interaction Trainer

2024-05-07 Software 98
Social Interaction Trainer - 1Learning to interact with peopleSocial Interaction Trainer - training of social interaction. Just want to make a reservation - if you do not speak English at least at a basic level, you can not understand this game. Its meaning lies in the social interaction with people in different everyday situations. The program is designed to teach you how to behave properly in transport, without looking at fellow travelers, in the toilet, in the supermarket and other places. The main role in this will fulfill your eyes, which can embarrass passers-by or vice versa, to provoke the interlocutor to a conversation. The game, while created as a training application, no one prevents you from amusing yourself at the level with Troll Face Quest, purposely creating uncomfortable situations for your hero.CPU---Android OS2.3Open GL---FFortune MouSeree Space 42.81 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----