Bob the Robber

2024-05-17 news 72

Bob the Robber Bob loves getting his hands on precious items. Will you help him get them?

Bob the Robber is an action-adventure game where you can play as Bob to find your way out of sticky situations. Guards, cameras and... Lazers! Don't let them catch you!

Update 1.0 has arrived!

Here is a list of the changes/bug fixes/new features we made:

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed multitouch not working

- Player no longer continues moving after starting the minigame

- Fixed joystick appearing when clicking on UI elements

- Fixed guard crashing on level 2

- Fixed UI interaction buttons having different scales

- Fixed missing level elements

- Fixed some elements that did not receive lighting


- Added endgame scene/level

- Added 1 extra level

- Added reset button to end game screen

- The game now shows when a player deactivates something that is off screen

- Exit button added to minigame

- Doors now open to both sides

- Added level names

- Exclusive music added to all levels


- Changed game end screen

- Changed the victory screen

- We added a dead zone to the joystick and made it a little bigger

- Improved timer layout

- The player now needs to complete the previous level before unlocking the new levels

- Improved UI scaling

- Feedback prompts are only displayed after game completion

- Hacking menu appearance slightly changed

Update notice:

We recommend clearing the app's cache data before running a new update.
