Firefox Focus

2024-05-17 news 96

Firefox Focus

Install private browser. Speed ​​and privacy from the brand you trust

Browse like no one is watching. The new Firefox Focus automatically blocks a wide range of online trackers — from the moment you start it to the second you leave it. Easily erase your history, passwords and cookies so you won't be tracked by things like unwanted ads.BlackJack Rummy

“Private browsing” in most browsers is not comprehensive or easy to use. Focus is the next level of privacy because it's free, always available, and always by your side — because it's backed by Mozilla, the nonprofit fighting for your rights on the web.


• Blocks a wide range of common web trackers without configuring any settings

• Easily erase your history — no passwords, no cookies, no trackers


• By removing trackers and ads, web pages can require less data and load faster


• We believe everyone should have control over their online lives. This is why we have been fighting since 1998.

Buffalo Win