Free download dgputt APK for Android

2024-05-06 Software 98
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Description of dgputt

The #1 fastest way to lower your scores in disc golf is to practice putting.

Welcome to dgputt, and a fun and effective putting practice . The app keeps track of your progress, and you will soon see your results improve.

Dgputt offers a variety of putting drills to fit your needs. Distances can be displayed in feet or meters, and you can practice from 13ft/4m to 50 ft/15m.

- Do five putts from 33ft/10m and register your hits
- Next distance is decided by the number of hits. With five hits, you putt from 33ft/10m again. With no hits, you putt from 16ft/5m
- Repeat until you have made 100 putts
- Save your score
- Did you beat your personal best?

- Start from 16ft/5m, do six putts
- Increase distance until you have done 36 putts up to 33ft/10m
- Save your score

Twenty and Fifty
- Choose a distance from 13ft/4m up to 50 ft/15m
- Do 20/50 putts in frames of five
- Save your score

Hundred (subscription)
- Choose a distance from 13ft/4m up to 50 ft/15m
- Putt until you have made 100 putts
- Your score is the number of attempts to make 100 hits

Shuffle (subscription)
- Shuffle is a drill where you practice one putt at a time, choose between 18 or 36 putts
- Choose a distance interval
- For each putt, the distance is selected at random

Runsjø (subscription)
- Runsjø is a two-disc ladder game
- If you make two hits, you progress to the following distance
- If you miss both putts, you go back to the previous distance
- If you make one putt, you putt again from the same distance
- When you make the maximum distance, you have to make it back again to the starting distance

Survival (subscription)
- You have three lives
- If you make a putt, you progress to the following distance
- If you miss, lose a life, and try again
- When you run out of lives, the game ends
- How far did you make it?

STATS (Free)
You can browse through all the games you have played. Stats showing the total number of putts, hit percentage, average score, and personal bests.

PROGRESS (Subscription)
Graphical display of progress over months and years. Your circle one score is calculated, and you can track your progress from month to month.

dgputt is a free app with an option to try a 3-day trial to unlock monthly or annual membership and get full access to all games and detailed progress. Pricing varies by region, but annual membership is about the price of a new disc.

Version history dgputt New in dgputt 2.8.2 - Settings and My Stats are moved to the Profile tab
- Bug fixesNew in dgputt 2.7.0 - Choose between light- or heavy vibration feedback when Score buttons are pressed
- Bug fix in JYLYNew in dgputt 2.6.1 - League is now available for all subscribers!
- Create a League, set up Events and compare scores in the Leaderboard
- Under the hood, dgputt has migrated to Dart null safetyNew in dgputt 2.4.6 - Leaderboard improvements
- Your Rounds in LeagueNew in dgputt 2.4.0 - League improvementsNew in dgputt 2.2.97 - Quick actions! Long press the app icon to access shortcuts to My Stats, Progress, Twenty and JYLY.
- League improvements and bug fixesNew in dgputt 2.2.5 - Switch between different views in JYLY and Shuffle
- New tag - ChampCap
- Bu7upDown g fixesNew in dgputt 1.6.1 First version in production Please rate this app
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